Sound Healing Certifications

Sound Healing with the Human Voice

In this certification class, Sound Healing with the Human Voice, you will be trained to use vocal tones, vowel, chants, and vibrations to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being. This therapeutic practice harnesses the power of sound frequencies to resonate within the body, impacting physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Through various techniques such as toning, humming, and chanting, sound healing with the voice aims to restore harmony, reduce stress, alleviate pain, and enhance overall health by aligning the body’s energy centers and facilitating a sense of calm and healing.

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What You'll Learn

We will explore topics such as toning the chakras, Bija mantras, the benefits of Sanskrit mantras, humming, improvisation, and much more to bring you personal health and vitality, which you can then incorporate with others.

Who Should Attend

Do you have a desire to heal others or yourself through alternative, non-Western means? This class is for those who work in alternative therapies: massage therapists, reiki practitioners, and energy healers. This class is for those starting on the road to becoming a sound healer. Taking this course will put you on the track to continue your studies and attain the tools and skills necessary to become a sound healer, whether you’re just starting out or are already practicing another modality of healing. This class is also highly recommended for sound bath practitioners who want to sharpen their musical knowledge to apply it in their sessions.

What to Bring

Crystals or other items you view as Sacred, a journal, pen/pencil, water bottle and most importantly yourself!


Congratulations to the most recent class! Your hard work and dedication were impressive. Thank you for taking this course. Your commitment and enthusiasm have truly made a difference. I am honored to have taught each one of you. Many blessings to you on your healing journeys!

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